You can try Resident Evil Village on Apple devices for free

Resident Evil VillageNow, the iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Max can be used to play the game, as well as iPads with the M1 processor or the M2 one. Apple’s App Store offers a free version of the game for those who may be hesitant about playing this highly-produced title on their mobile devices. If you’re satisfied, you can save 60% on the full version of the game and the Winters’ Expansion (which comes with a free bonus outfit) through Nov. 20. With this discount, you can get the base game (originally $39.99) for just $24 or the expansion (originally $19.99) for only $8. You can also purchase other items in the app.
Resident Evil VillageApple MacOS users can purchase the app starting in 2021. It is not available to everyone. The MacOS version is not universally available, so anyone who has purchased it will also have to buy the version for mobile separately.
The mobile version is not available on the web. Resident Evil Village manages to run at a solid 30 FPS, and cram all of the necessary controls onto a single screen, if you’d prefer a more traditional controller scheme, we’d recommend checking out the following Bluetooth controllers from 8BitDo.
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