The Island of Fortnite Prepares for the Wrath of The Cube Queen

A terrifying surprise arrived on the island, the Cube Queen.

Although we are yet to know the full extent of her plan for Cubic dominance and its implications, we will make every effort to inform you about what to expect. Wrath of the Cube Queen

The arrival of new cubed forces

You’re already experts in handling Cube Monsters, but a new even more powerful type of Cube has arrived with the Queen. These cubes are known as Caregivers These spectre-like, tall creatures will pull you in. The SidewaysYou will then be fought in an exciting showdown. Although the Caretakers may be the best Cube warriors to date, a victory with one of their cube warriors will bring you a great reward.

Fortnite - Wrath of Cube Queen

There is a new reason to brave through The Sideways now; a Sideways weapon has sliced its way into the fray – the Sideways Scythe You can now get more wicked weapons to the island; you should try the Witch Brooms and the Pumpkin Rocket Launcher.

Candy is making a comeback with the Zero Point Pretzel.

Horde Rush Returns

The Cube’s are trying to push out of The Sideways and into our realm! That can only be stopped! Horde Rush! That’s right, the Horde Rush LTM is back! Your teammates can battle monsters together and you’ll earn more points by finding score multipliers, nipping combos and eliminating as many as possible. You can survive in any location on the map, and you will be able to defeat the Final Boss for a hard won victory.

Fortnite - Wrath of Cube Queen

Fortnitemares will continue until the end. The Horde Rush LTM is available from now to November 1, at 10 AM. ET Horde Rush will be returning to its home. Horde Rush Quest. You will receive these rewards for completing the quest Juice backbling: The Cube Queen Banner TheThe Cuddle Scream leader spray.

Horde Rush is a great way to practice and win cosmetics. There will be an Horde Rush tournament this week. This will have more details available at the Compete Tab.

Fortnite - Wrath of Cube Queen

Ariana Grande Returns to Earth and There Are New Quests

The Horde Rush Quests don’t make up the only Quests in The Wrath of the Cube Queen! Hallowhead now presents the Fortnitemares PunchcardThis is the. You can find all Quests and the Rewards for Completing them here.

  1. For the ultimate Fortnitemares Quest unlocking the lore Raven’s Curse SprayIt is the Midnight Showdown Loading screenAnd Wrathful Breakout Counteril
  1. Ariana Grande is back on the Island with new gear and ready to fight monsters. “Spacefarer Ariana Grande,” the galaxy’s greatest monster hunter, is inviting you to join her hunt. You can complete the hero Monster HunterQuestline unlocks the new All-Weather Extractor Pickaxe Dark StyleYou are invited! Fortnite Crew Members also receive a bonus with this quest. Crew Members will be rewarded for completing the Monster Hunt Questline. Brite StyleYou can also get the All-Weather Extractor Pickaxe in its Dark variation.
  1. Dark Jonesy’s vision can be restored by helping him to locate a powerful artifact. Oracle Questline. Complete the Oracle Questline to unlock the Cube Cruiser GliderAn unfolded Cube you can fly on 

Hallowheads Punchard won’t be the only Punchard going live at 9 AM ET, though…

With Containment Specialist’s Ghostbusters Punchard: Use Seismographs. Exterminate the mini-Pufts. Bling from the Ghost Back — inspired by the upcoming Ghostbusters: AfterlifeFilm!

These Quests are exciting and you will get rewards as soon as possible. They’ll be available until November 1.

Although the Wrath of the Cube queen has had a profound impact on the island, there are still many things to learn from the cubic chaos. Get on board the Island and feel the wrath!

#Island#Fortnite #Prepares#Wrath #Cube