Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s final character is Sora from Kingdom Hearts

Final character Super Smash Bros. UltimateThis is Sora, from Kingdom Hearts. Smash Bros. game director Masahiro Sakurai announced the final add-on character — the 82nd for the Switch fighting game — during his final “Mr. Sakurai Presents” presentation on Tuesday.
Sora is, of course, the protagonist of Square Enix’s popular Kingdom Hearts series. To battle evil Heartless, Sora wields the key knife, a melee sword that can be used to attack them, along with his Disney friends Donald Duck, Goofy, and Goofy.
Sora will finish out Super Smash Bros.Ultimate’s second Fighters Pass, which previously added Kazuya Mishima from Tekken, Min Min from ArmsAlex and Steve from MinecraftSephiroth, Final Fantasy 7Pyra, Mythra, and the other three Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Sakurai stated in June during Kazuya’s showcase that Fighters Pass Vol.2 would include the final character. 2, would be indeed Super Smash Bros.Ultimate’s last.
Nintendo announced Super Smash Bros. UltimateIn March 2018, it was teased that veterans like Link and Mario from The Legend of Zelda would face off against the Inklings of Splatoon. Ultimate welcomed many new fighters to the game’s already massive roster, including Isabelle from Animal Crossing, Ridley from Metroid, and Incineroar from Pokémon. Joker was added to the DLC after launch. Persona 5, Banjo & Kazooie, Sephiroth from Final Fantasy7Terry and Judith from Fatal Fury.
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