Nuclear Blaze, A Firefighting Sidescroller By The Creator Of Dead Cells, Launches This Month

Nuclear Blaze is a sidescrolling action game that’s all about extinguishing raging infernos as a firefighter. The game comes from the mind of Dead Cells mastermind Sébastien Benard, and it’s coming to PC via Steam on October 18.

You’re a firefighter sent to uncover the cause of a blaze that broke out at a mysterious military facility. Things aren’t as they seem, save for the walls of flames that can melt your face off. You’ll douse scorched areas using your trusty hose while uncovering secrets and hidden plot details that expand the narrative. As players jump and roll over explosive terrains, the gameplay will be smooth as Dead Cells. Take a look at the game’s reveal trailer from a few weeks ago to see it in all its blazing glory. 

Nuclear Blaze is fun, and it could play half as well than Dead Cells. How do you feel about this game? Comment below!
