Nintendo Switch OLED: The 10 best games to play

So you’ve unboxed your fancy new Nintendo Switch OLED and you’re looking to see your investment pay off. What games are really going to show off the new model’s enhancements? This is an extremely difficult question!

An OLED screen will not perform as well as an LCD screen. However, it will still be able to see the difference in some situations. Very colorful games, or games with super high contrast, will definitely pop on the OLED screen, whereas games with a more realistic or muted aesthetic won’t look too much different than they do on the old LCD screen.

To that end, we’ve curated a selection of games that best showcase the might of the OLED model Nintendo Switch.

MetroidIt is a terrible place

Samus Aran faces down a chained Kraid in Metroid Dread

Image: MercurySteam/Nintendo

We’ll start with the obvious one. Metroid DreadThis was launched along with the OLED, and it is the most impressive demonstration of the potential of the new hardware. The fear’s blend of extremely dark shadows and bright, neon laser blasts makes for a stunning demonstration of the new screen. Play the demo. The fearYou can switch between handheld and docked modes on an OLED TV to see the difference.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Mario Kart 8 - Mario and Luigi racing

Mario Kart 8
Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo

This is the best-selling Switch title of all time Mario Kart 8 DeluxeThe OLED Switch’s OLED Switch is also equipped with a spectacular showpiece: The game’s colorful characters and levels are considerably more vibrant on an OLED screen. Even something as simple as Mario’s hat will make you question whether you had truly known the color of Mario’s hat before this.

However Mario Kart 8 Deluxe shows off Mario in the best light, basically all of the Mushroom Kingdom games look great on the OLED, so don’t forget to boot up Odyssey, Bowser’s Fury,or any one of the other games Super Mario 3D All-StarsIf you purchased it at the right time.

Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight

Team Cherry

Nintendo Switch gets surprise in 2018 Hollow KnightOne of the greatest Metroidvanias and one the best on the platform, it’s still a great game. It’s also great for showing off the power of the OLED, thanks to its 2D artwork, which emphasizes hard, dark lines around most of the characters, alongside environments that constantly play with light and shadow. If you’ve been waiting for a reason to pick this game up, the OLED is an extremely good excuse.

TetrisEffect connected

Tetris Effect - Journey Mode ‘Forest Dawn’ background

Image: Monstars Inc./Enhance Games

Which areas can you make better? TetrisWhat is the difference after almost 40 years? Yet, somehow Tetris EffectIts trippy graphics and unique twists on the core gameplay made it easy to find a way. It took some time for the game to be available on Switch. However, it is now live. The Tetris Effect is ConnectedYou can find it here. There are many levels that start with a blank background. As you fill lines, the black background slowly lights up and becomes more vivid. It is amazing to watch dolphins speed through the galaxy as you do a Decahexatris.


Hades running on a Nintendo Switch

Image by Supergiant Games

Polygon’s pick for game of the year in 2020 has always been a stunner, regardless of the platform you play it on. But Hades is also well-suited for the OLED model’s enhancements. The game’s art style utilizes colorful, cel-shaded characters surrounded by hard, black outlines, and as a result, everything just pops. Whether that makes the Chthonic gods even hotter is a question you’ll have to answer for yourself.

Diablo2 Resurrected

Fighting demons in Diablo 2

Image: Blizzard Entertainment

This remake of one of the most successful hack-’n-slash RPGs of all time looks solid on an OLED screen, though it does take some time to reach the areas that perform best (specifically the game’s darker, torch-lit dungeons). We’ve included it on this list mainly because of the OLED model’s larger screen size. Handheld mode using a Switch Lite (or a regular Switch) Diablo 2’s text and UI elements are easily lost and muddied. While the OLED Switch’s screen isn’t ThatThis game is much more enjoyable when it gets larger.


A cabin in TOEM

Image: We Made It

The adorable game of taking photos is entirely black-and-white. What is the OLED good at? Of course, contrast! Contrast is the best! This helps, too. TOEM’s simple graphical style allows the game to run at a native 720 resolution, which makes the whole thing super crisp and clear.

Spelunky HD & Spelunky 2

You can handle some serious platforming difficulties if you are able to. Spelunky HDAnd Spelunky 2Both of these games, which were released just months ago on Switch, show off the OLED screen in beautiful ways. The colorful, 2D sprites of both games sparkle on the OLED, but if you’re looking to really be impressed, keep playing until you get to a dreaded dark level. These areas are almost completely black but occasionally lit by torches or glowing bugs. Talk about an OLED storm!

Tails of Iron

The man who voiced Geralt in the Witcher game, if you’ve ever wondered if you could play tough 2D Souls like but wanted it to have a lot of mice fighting fogs in a medieval setting.You can read the rest here. Tails of IronYou are the one. It looks incredible on the OLED Switch, thanks to its hand-drawn, 2D artwork, which is some of the best we’ve seen in recent memory. Be aware that this game can get very grim, despite the cute aspect of mice wearing clothing.

Cruis’n Blast

A helicopter attacks cars in Cruis’n Blast

Raw Thrills

This strange arcade-racer-turned-console game features giant, underground yetis and playable hammerhead sharks. Cruis’n Blast is so outrageous and over-the-top that traditional concepts of “good graphics” don’t really apply here. You will be thrown at every possible color palette, and it is certain to cause a serious eye strain. It is hard to find a Switch racer that matches its vibrant colors. The game also runs well in handheld mode so it can be used as an OLED display.

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