Moon Knight teaser trailer: Oscar Issac hears voices in the Marvel universe

It’s time for your first look at the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s darkest hero yet. Disney Plus Day is when the streaming service will showcase a few of its upcoming MCU TV shows. Moon KnightThis film features Oscar Issac as the darkest and most heady Marvel Studios movie.

Marc Spector (Oscar Isaac), who is struggling to tell the difference between his dream and waking lives, appears quite violent in the short teaser. Spector — who seems like he’s speaking in two different voices — looks haunted, with his reflection in a mirror moving independently of him, and appearing confused in the aftermath of a fight he doesn’t seem to know he was in.

Because it’s a teaser, we don’t get a clear look at his costumed alter ego — just a wild leap across a city skyline in the distance, a violent beatdown at the far end of the hallway, and the prerequisite three-point landing, with the frame cutting off our view from the waist up — but the show does seem like it’s going for an extremely faithful interpretation of the character. (Sharp-eyed viewers will notice a scene where Spector might also be in the three-piece suit of the “Mr. Knight” alter ego from Warren Ellis and Declan Shalvey’s brief but acclaimed 2014 run.)

Marc Spector/Moon Knight, a Dissociative Identity Disorder veteran who takes on the role of an Egyptian moon god Khonshu following a near death experience was created by Doug Moench & Don Perlin. He’s kind of like Batman, but because of his condition and supernatural ties, Spector’s mental health is as much of a driving force in his stories as is vigilantism. That the Disney Plus series doesn’t seem to be shying away from this makes it interesting — this isn’t just another Daredevil, it’s potentially a meaty six-episode series about a troubled character that really doesn’t have an equivalent in the MCU yet.

Moon KnightDisney Plus will be available in 2022.

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