Hoa Brings a Puzzle-Platforming Adventure to Xbox


  • Hoa will take you on an adventure of platforming that includes hand-painted art and lovely music in a serene setting.
  • Play as Hoa and experience the magic of nature, imagination, as she travels through beautiful environments back to where it all started.
  • HoaS or Xbox One|S and Xbox One.

Hallo! Hi! I’m Paul Hartling, director of marketing at PM Studios inc., and this is what I want to share with everyone. Hoa, a puzzle platforming adventure game just released on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One! Hoa is a puzzle platformer that follows the main character, Hoa, who belongs to a tribe of fairies with the power of nurturing flora and fauna. Hoa is taken away from her home as a child after experiencing a terrible event. Her memories are lost and Hoa has no idea who or what it was. Hoa is returning to her homeland, after many years of being absent. Hoa uses her magical abilities to bring back her home. As she goes along, her knowledge and past expands.

I sat down with Hoa’s own Game Director Son Tung, and Art Director Son Tra from Skrollcat Studio to see just what type of emotional impact they wanted to create in HoaWhat was their primary source of inspiration throughout the development process?

How would you describe your game to someone who isn’t very familiar with video games?

Son TungNature’s most unusual walks *Sprinkles cuteness and magic*.

Hoa Screenshot

Why do you want to keep learning? HoaWhich? 

Son Tung says: We have been always observant about our environment as individuals. We are fascinated by nature just as much people or magic. You can see a lot if you have a good eye and an open head. We hope that you share this fascination with beauty and human nature. HoaThis is in the form a creative, uplifting, meditative experience people can really enjoy. With this project, we have all that an artist with serious artistic intent would want. We also have high expectations for ourselves.

Not least, it is difficult to create a game that’s both entertaining and visually stunning. We love challenging things. 

How do you see it? HoaStand out

Son Tra: Apart from the meticulous attention to background art and animation, what we feel is most special about our game is the childlike freedom we took in imagining Hoa’s world and how she interacts with it. Our bosses are also pretty cool.

How did the idea for this game come about? What inspired the idea and how did it come about?

Son TungWe are both very observant and creative, which has made each situation more exciting. The opportunity presented itself to us and we decided that we would create something which could share our excitement, comfort, and love for curiosity, empathy, and imagination.

Son TraHayao Mizaki is a major inspiration, both for his visuals and also his philosophy. It was more of a process than an instant that led to the creation of the game. We finally agreed to the direction of our game, including the pace and style. The character’s personality is relatable, and we were confident that the experience would work.

Hoa Screenshot

What’s been one of the biggest challenges you’ve had to solve during development?

Son Tung: This is a new team with inexperienced members. We have had many challenges, but we also learned the value of planning well and managing our time.

How do you wish players to feel when they play? How do you want to make an emotional connection?

Son TraA child’s childhood experience. Hoa, as kind, curious, adorable, and charming as she is will hopefully remind us how we saw the world in its earliest days. And perhaps, we will discover that the meaning and purpose we are seeking was already within us.

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PM Studios, Inc.



Beautiful hand-painted music and beautiful art make Hoa a wonderful puzzle-platforming game. It also features a tranquil, peaceful atmosphere. As Hoa the main character embarks on an adventure through beautiful environments, you will feel the magic of imagination and nature.

– Breathtaking hand-painted art
Step into a painting that lives – explore a vast world of meticulously crafted sceneries of stunning hand-painted art.

– Outstanding original soundtrack
Hoa is captivatingly narrative-telling and emotional-charged. His exceptional score was originally recorded live and brings the world back to life with a hint of nostalgia.

– Lovely creatures
Be on the lookout for magical and charming creatures as you travel. Many of them are happy to make friends and may even share a story with you. You can be sure of cuteness.

– Gentle, yet compelling flow
Use your keen eyes to navigate and find solutions for exploration-based puzzles. Enjoy the soothing rhythms of gentle storytelling and be captivated by all kinds of little surprises. Be a child – it’s easier and harder than it may seem.

#Hoa #Brings #PuzzlePlatforming #Adventure #Xbox