Help Everyone’s True Colors Shine in Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan

- Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan This is an adventure-RPG that uses friendship to change the world.
- To make the game more inclusive, a variety of accessibility features were added.
- Buy it Rainbow Billy Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S on the Xbox Store today.
It’s been a long time coming, but the whole team at ManaVoid (myself included) are thrilled that Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan Xbox One finally has it. And with the last year or so being especially rough for most of us, we figure there’s no time like the present to release a non-violent game that champions acceptance, inclusivity and compassion.
RPGs are all about saving the world from an evil giant monster, fighting off enemies and recruiting new members. There are other options. Rainbow Billy things play out a little differently… And not just because you’re bringing color back to a black-and-white world.
Instead of all-out slugfests where you beat the stuffing out of adorable cartoon critters, “battles” play out like emotionally puzzling heart-to-hearts. Your goal isn’t to defeat your enemies, but to listen to their worries, choose the right words, and bring color back to their hearts to befriend them. Plus, you don’t grind fights to level up: you offer moral support (and candy) to get to know your allies better, strengthening your bonds of friendship.

This decision to create compelling, non-violent “confrontations” came from a decision we made as a team to stand out from the vast majority of combat or violence-oriented titles on the market. This story was about empathy, and it makes a lot of sense.
Likewise, we didn’t want that message of accepting others to ring hollow. Skybound Games, the non-profit RAD, and Skybound Games were our partners to ensure that we find a balance between cartoony fun and honest portrayals of mental illness, especially for characters who have specific gender identities.
Our goal was to spread those themes of acceptance, inclusion, and inclusiveness to players as well. Therefore, a large part of our development focused on making the game as accessible as possible.

The art team paid special attention to color schemes, shadesrs and color palettes. This allows even the most colorblind people to enjoy the pleasure of changing the colors in the world. We also took special care to develop multiple customizable difficulty settings that wouldn’t reduce the strategic complexity of confrontations or puzzles.
We also included text boxes and a font that is dyslexia friendly for all localities. Also, we made subtle adjustments to camera movements, animations, and respawn points to make it easier for all to use.
Alexis Lessard, Technical Director at the company created this Twitter thread to provide more information about some of our accessibility initiatives. It’s available for you to view. right hereYou can!

It’s been genuinely heartwarming to see Rainbow Billy It resonates with all players and has received tremendous support from them. My sentiments are shared by the entire team. I cannot wait for all players to experience our demo’s cuteness and heartfelt moments.
Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan S.|S. Here’s hoping it fills your world with a bit more color too!

Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan
Skybound Games
Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan is a wholesome, creature capture, 2.5D Adventure-Puzzle-Platformer with RPG elements. This is an open-access adventure that’s family friendly and accessible to all ages. You must rescue whimsical creatures while bringing back the color you knew.
Rainbow Billy’s universal story is about coming to terms with change and acceptance of ourselves and those around you. Sometimes all it takes to make the world a better place is a little conversation, empathy and a fresh point of view.
Explore A Wonderful World!
Discover hidden treasures and fishing secrets in dark caverns that hide on remote islands.), friendship and… danger!
Solve Environmental Problems!
There are many clever and surprising challenges in the world, as well as secrets, that allow you to unlock completely new areas.
You can meet over 60 lovable, strange creatures. Help them solve their problems through non-violent interactions! Your team can save the day by creating your unique group!
In this story of empathy and growth, you can restore color to a monochrome environment and encourage your friends to find their authentic selves.
#Everyones #True Colors #Shine #Rainbow @Billy #Curse#Leviathan