Dice Reveals Battlefield 2042’s Final Launch Specialists, Addresses Open Beta Feedback

Dice posted a blog post detailing the 5 remaining specialists available for Battlefield 2042. It also shared player feedback, and highlighted the particular criticisms it will address.

Followers of 2042 will be aware that Specialists, which are new to the series, feature distinct traits and can be customized. Below is the trailer for the last batch of characters, at least as they were launched. Navin Rao can hack enemy equipment and expose enemies through the killing of hacked targets. Santiago Espinoza’s tank can withstand more explosion damage than other tanks and has a substantial ballistic shield. Emma “Sundance,” Rosier has a wingsuit with an arsenal of anti-armor and EMP grenades. Ji-Soo Payk can spot enemies from cover, and she also has the ability to scan for anyone that might damage her. Constantin “Angel”) Anghel can also be used as a doctor to quickly restore armor and revive injured allies. He can also toss loadsout crates containing supplies at teammates. 

Dice’s blog post features a lengthy breakdown of the players’ complaints about the beta and which issues it plans to address or already has ahead of launch. You should check out the blog for all of the nitty-gritty details, but some of the improvements include the following: 

  • Increased Tanks available on PCs and consoles of current generation from 4 to 8. 
  • An indicator for nearby grenades was added.
  • Big Map toggleable
  • Commo Rose was introduced to make it easy for players to communicate their positions and needs quickly.
  • Compass will continue to be active even as you aim down your sights.
  • The Kill Log font is easier to read, with the highlighted text that indicates friends/foes who were killed. 
  • Note: Improved colorblind settings
  • Chat can be used by console gamers.

Battlefield 2042 is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 4 as of November 19.

How do you feel about the new Specialists? What is your opinion on Dice’s approach to open beta feedback? Please comment!

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