Deathloop’s First Major Update Now Live, Adds HDR Calibration, NPC Fixes, And More

Bethesda has detailed the first major update for its PlayStation 5 console exclusive title, Deathloop, aptly titled Game Update 1, and it’s now live in-game.
You will find a variety of bug fixes and other improvements. It’s roughly 5GB on PS5 and 11GB on PC, and it’s mostly focused on things like stability in gameplay and new options for players. Game Update 1 is a fix for issues that trophy hunters may have with unlocking their trophy. Oops bronze trophy, and Deathday Suit silver award
“Game Update 1 improves several aspects of the gameplay experience, camera smoothness, and NPC behaviors,” Bethesda’s patch notes blog postIt reads. “It also resolves several issues that could cause the game to crash.”
NPC behavior has been changed to improve NPC reaction to Colt and NPC pathing. Plus, Aleksis Dorsey’s reactions have been emphasized, which Bethesda says will make it easier for players to identify him amongst his party guests.
Elsewhere in the patch notes, Bethesda says this new update adds a calibration screen into the game’s options for HDR. A new screen indicator for poor internet connectivity is added to the game. This will let players know if their connection is slow or unstable, which can be detrimental to Julianna invasions. The DualSense controller vibrates are now more responsive, the audio mix is better, as well as fixes for firework and laser mining behavior.
You can find a complete breakdown of the changes Game Update 1 makes to Deathloop, on PC and PS5: Bethesda’s blog postThis is what it looks like. Learn why Deathloop was awarded a 9/10 in our review Game Informer’s Review of DeathloopThen, you can watch. This is the Game Informer Show episodeTo hear Deathloop’s Game of the Year nomination.
Did you ever play Deathloop Did you wait for these fix? Comment below to let us know!