10 best TV shows of 2021 you can now watch in full this fall

New releases are abundant in 2021’s fall TV season. The early debuts include Lucifer Season 6You can find more information here Y: The Last Man(RIP). Foundation Succession season 3, to highly anticipated shows like Showtime’s New Blood or Netflix’s Cowboy BebopThere is always more to see.
But maybe you’re looking for a show that’s already behind us, something you can watch in full at your own pace. Good news: We’ve pulled together a collection of some of the best shows that aired this past season, each one complete and ready to be binge — on Netflix, Amazon, Disney Plus, HBO Max, and beyond — at the push of a button.
New Cherry Flavor
Image courtesy of Netflix
The most disgusting 2021 series you could catch, New Cherry FlavorThis is a neo-noir occult story of revenge, which feels incredibly vile and neo. VeryDifferent from other Netflix series. Lisa Nova (Alita: Battle Angel’s Rosa Salazar) is a young indie director arriving in Hollywood in the hopes of making her big feature debut. Black magic is her only weapon of choice when a producer who’s struggling takes advantage of her. This, as you can imagine, doesn’t go according to plan — unless the plan is a memorably mean TV show with a hell of a twist in store. —Joshua Rivera
New Cherry FlavorYou can stream it on Netflix
The evil
CBS Image
You can’t describe everything concisely. The evil is; it’s an irreverent procedural, a psychological horror, a biting satire, and so much more. The one constant — besides the standout performances of stars Katja Herbers, Mike Colter, and Aasif Mandvi — is that The evilThe unpredictable nature of the show is unpredictable. And somehow, this year’s second season was even more destabilizing for viewers than the first, as showrunners Robert and Michelle King (The Good FightThe newest layers and mystery were added quickly, before many of the remaining questions in season one could be even resolved. That’s because one thing The evilIt is definitely not a puzzle show.
These are the questions The evil raises aren’t designed to inspire viewers to theorize and dispassionately pick apart the show looking for clues. The Kings’ series has always been more about the questions than answers, and the second season takes this philosophy to the next level through its riveting and completely buckwild explorations of Kristen’s (Herbers) possible possession, David’s (Mandvi) doubts ahead of his ordination, and whatever the hell is going on with Sheryl (Christine Lahti). All of this is why we can’t even begin to tell you what went on in The evil’s second season, but we can confidently say that it’s worth catching up on. —Sadie Gennis
The evilYou can stream it on Paramount Plus
Photo: Heidi Gutman/Peacock
On a joke-per-minute level, Girls5EvaThis is the most exciting new comedy to debut this year. A goofy-yet-sincere story about a teen girl group getting back together in middle age after one of their old songs go viral, it’s a sitcom that keeps the punchlines coming — with the added bonus of regularly featuring original songs that are equally funny. It’s only eight episodes long, but try to get it’s incredibly catchy theme song out of your head after watching it once. —JR
Girls5Eva Video is streaming on Peacock
Image: Starz
While we’re still mourning the loss of GLOW Heels The new star of pro wrestling has arrived to offer a unique perspective. Stephen Amell plays Jack Spade, the DWL’s owner. This small-town Georgia league features Jack as the heel and struggles to generate enough business to make the league a serious contender. Alexander Ludwig plays Jack’s younger brother Ace, a face in the DWL whose ambitions and talent seem poised to take him to the big time.
The Starz drama makes sure to mine every bit of melodrama between the brothers in and outside of the ring, as their visions for the DWL’s future (and their own) clash far more often than they align. Heels The drama is grounded in real history. Wrestling fans will love the many cameos throughout the show. The show’s greatest strength is its examination of how reality and fiction can become blurred in the world of wrestling and the consequences for the wrestlers. However, the series is far more than Jack and Ace’s story. Heels pays equal attention to what it means to be woman in this world, delving into the challenges faced by Jack’s wife Staci (Alison Luff), his business partner Willie (Mary McCormack), and Ace’s valet and an aspiring wrestler Crystal (Kelli Berglund). —SG
HeelsOn stream Starz
Made for Love
Photo: John P. Johnson/HBO max
Now imagine you’re married to Mark Zuckerberg. Now imagine you were divorcing Mark Zuckerberg, and he wasn’t handling it well. It’s not easy to be in good company with someone you control. Way too many of the world’s information would be pretty IntenseYes, but? That’s the premise of Made for Love, a hilarious comedy about Hazel Green (Cristin Millioti) & her messy divorce with tech magnate Byron Gogol. He implanted a chip in her brain to allow him to track her movements. The book is an adaptation of AlissaNutting’s wonderful novel. Made for LoveBreakup comedy is given a new lease of life by adding modern technology to the mix. Here, convenience can be exchanged for free data. Rarely are shows so bizarre and thought-provoking all at once. —JR
Made for Love Available to stream online HBO Max
Season 2 of The Owl House
Image: Disney
Season 2 of Disney Channel’s The Owl HouseThe first part of the series was launched this summer on Disney Plus. This fantasy show follows a young human girl who finds herself in a world full of witches and demons, and decides to train as a witch’s apprentice under wacky con artist Eda. It is filled with magic, fun relationships and world-building. The Owl HouseLuz continues to raise the stakes as she tries to return home to humanity and uncovers terrible secrets about Boiling Islands. But it’s not all heavy plot — Owl HouseAs well as lots of humor and heart. There’s also an adorable romance between Luz, her ex-rival Amity. It’s the ideal time to get in touch with your friends and family now that the fate of the show is up in the air. —Petrana Radulovic
The Owl HouseAvailable to stream online Disney Plus
The other two
Photo: Greg Endries /HBO Max
If Girls5EvaThis is one of the top new comedies in 2021. The other two is one of the best old-but-really-kinda-new comedies of 2021. This is the first season. Saturday Night Live duo Chris Kelly and Sarah Schneider’s sitcom aired in 2019 to little fanfare on Comedy Central. HBO Max needed Content and wisely purchased it as an exclusive series. There, the safe-for-cable story of the brother-sister duo Cary (Drew Tarver) and Brooke Dubek (Heléne Yorke), and their uber-famous, Justin Bieber-esque little bro ChaseDreams (Case Walker), blossomed in all its weird, R-rated glory. In season 1, the older Dubeks struggled to find meaning in their lives as Chase blew up and their mom Pat (Molly Shannon) managed her successful son’s dreams. Season 2, which is now complete, shows the duo… continuing to struggle. Cary has become famous-by-association for being Chase’s gay brother, yet can’t make his acting career take off. Brooke has stepped up to be Chase’s manager, but the work — alongside dimwitted co-manager Streeter Peters (Ken Marino) — is simply hell.
The comedy of errors could easily stumble into upper-crust, woe-is-me territory, but Kelly and Schneider work at such a specific level, dragging entertainment industry archetypes, culling from Deadline headlines, brushing against serious mental health issues, and annihilating post-fame social media behavior, that it’s a bit like watching David Fincher concoct a comedy. It’s all laugh-out loud right The other twoThese characters are the ones who feel like everything is going wrong. HBO Max picked up a third season almost immediately after the finale, which makes sense: the show’s firing with 30 Rock Everyone who has seen it, and all those in the know want more. —Matt Patches
Two MoreYou can stream it on HBO Max
Superman & Lois
Photo by The CW Network
Modern Superman stories must be able to convince a skeptical audience. Superman, so the thought goes, is too powerful or simple to relate a modern story. Superman & LoisResponding to the apprehension, Clark Kent and Lois Lane respond with a calm demeanor. Clark Kent, Lois Lane and their family are forced back to Smallville by the discovery that the entire town has been taken over and ruined from the bottom up. Working as a team, Kent and Lane must expose threats both superhuman and appallingly mundane while also raising two teen boys — one of whom has superpowers. While set in The CW’s Arrowverse, the series stands alone both in tone and plot, and makes for a neat, contained binge that doesn’t sprawl out. —JR
Superman & LoisIs available for streaming on The CW website HBO Max
Sweet Tooth
Photo by Kirsty Griff / 2019 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Sweet Tooth, based on Jeff Lemire’s acclaimed 2009 Vertigo comic of the same name, is my favorite Netflix show in years. Gus (Christian Convery) is a 10-year-old hybrid deer-human boy who was born after the virus decimated a large portion of the global population. Many now see the birth of a hybrid generation as the obvious cause of the outbreak, but as scientists on the case discover, the situation may be more complex that anyone’s ready to consider. However, the catastrophe causes havoc in society and scatters the survivors to different parts of the globe. Gus, his father Will Forte and their family live off the grid in an ancient national park. Gus’ future protector, Jepperd (Nonso Anozie), wanders the land, escaping his violent past. While there’s a semblance of modern life left in walled-off towns and pop-up enclaves, nowhere is safe for a boy like Gus. Sweet Tooth is here.
Though diverting from the darkness of Lemire’s source material in significant ways, the eight-episode first season, spearheaded by writer-director Jim Mickle (Stake Land It is cold in JulyBeth Schwartz, TV veteran and a seasoned actress (ArrowThis episode, which is conceived by ), creates an Amblin-esque adventure in a post-apocalyptic landscape. This is a miniature-movie. The next episode could be a repeat of the first. The Walking Dead Or Last of UsHowever, Mickle & Schwartz are able to create their own rhythm through the use of vivid backgrounds and a touch of humor. (Fans of Mickle’s horror work won’t be disappointed either.) Sweet Tooth earned a season 2 pickup from Netflix earlier this fall, so jump on this one now so you’re ready for when it rolls around again in … 2022, hopefully? —MP
Sweet ToothYou can stream it on Netflix
Underground Railroad
Photo: Kyle Kaplan/Amazon Studios
Based Colson Whitehead’s 2016 novel of the same name, Underground Railroad is easily one of the most stunning and accomplished television series to premiere this year that somehow hasn’t gotten nearly garnered as much love as it so rightfully deserves. Barry Jenkins directed the series (Moonlight Beale Street could talkThe story follows Cora’s brutal escape from Georgia by Caesar Pierre (Aaron Pierre), as she flees from her Georgian plantation. Both Whitehead’s book and Jenkins’ adaptation transform the euphemistic network of safe houses and routes employed by abolitionists in the mid-19th century into an actual underground system built and maintained by emancipated free men and woman to shepherd fugitive slaves to safety, but that’s not the most extraordinary element when it comes to either the series or its source material.
Underground Railroad is a dark and harrowing fable of freedom and survival, a speculative series that draws from history itself to shine an unflinching light on the myriad ways that America’s original sin has morphed and transformed both itself and the country at large in the most subtle and damning of ways. There’s not enough room in the space of paragraph to lavish this series with the praise it deserves for its evocative score, breathtaking cinematography, and captivating performances. If you’ve somehow put off or even forgotten about watching The Underground until now, you need to stop right now and start watching one of the most virtuosic television events of the year. —Toussaint Egan
Underground Railroad This stream is now available Amazon Prime Video
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