You can now put Timothée Chalamet’s Dune character Paul on your shelf

With the long-awaited release of director Denis Villeneuve’s Dune The long-awaited release is here DuneThe merch. Like your Star Warses and Bat-movies, Villeneuve transported his stacked cast to a fully realized version of author Frank Herbert’s far-future landscape, complete with spaceships and energy weapons and desert-planet-crawling worm monsters. The cast could be thrown at you. Dune logo on a t-shirt, but as is often the case with movies that go this hard, there’s much more potential.
Case in point: this hyper-realistic statue of Timothée Chalamet’s character Paul Atriedes. Polygon, in association with Legendary Entertainment and Dark Horse Direct, can reveal this statue. It was sculpted, painted, and designed by Gentle Giant Studios. You can now see the statue. that’sCrysknife
Dark Horse Direct Photo
This statue, measuring 9 inches in height and 9.2 inches in width, is made from a 3D scan taken of actor wearing his stillsuit costume. The artists relied heavily on the digital “Timothée Data-met” in order to replicate his likeness, and fine-tune the sculpt to bring the cinematic touch to life. Like so much of Gentle Giant Studios’ scan-to-statue work, it looks fantastic.
Dark Horse Direct photos
Only 500 copies of the Paul Atreides hero sculpture are available. The fans of Dune and/or Timothée Chalamet in leather can pre-order the shelf ornament at for $219.99. It will go well with ShaiHulud book end.
And for reference, here’s what it looks like when you show the Paul statue to all of your friends:
Dune The movie will be available in theaters on October 22nd and HBO Max at the same time. Here’s everything you need to know about the movie in case you’re just playing catch up with this classic science fiction story.
#put #Timothée #Chalamets #Dune #character #Paul #shelf