What is the shotgun code in Alan Wake 2?

You can also find out more about the following: shotgun One of the best ways to deal with NightingaleTaken, the Taken monster is a former Taken investigator who has been transformed into a Taken corpse. Alan Wake 2’s first big bad. Finding the shotgun is simple enough — the game will force you into the room where it’s stashed as part of the story — but finding the code to unlock the shotgun’s display case is another matter.
Here’s what I found Alan Wake 2, guide, we’ll tell you Where to locate the shotgunTell me the truth about the shotgun codeOpen the display case.
How to locate the shotguns in Alan Wake
Remedy Entertainment/Epic Games Publishing image via Polygon
In the abandoned, creepy house is a sawed off shotgun General store in Cauldron Lake — the first of the big locations you’ll be able to explore. However, you won’t be able to get the shotgun until your second visit to the lake, in chapter 2. (Or, at the very least, we couldn’t find a way to get it there in chapter 1, and you won’t need it until chapter 2 anyway).
After a short visit to town, return to Cauldron Lake and continue the quest by using case files. Nightingale’s heart. This will send you directly to the general store — although it’s worth mentioning that you can grab the shotgun anytime during your second visit, before or after you track down the heart.
Remedy Entertainment/Epic Games Publishing image via Polygon
You should enter the general store through the entrance (not by the washing machine) and then turn to the left. Continue walking towards the wall behind you and prepare yourself for an unexpected jump-scare. A cultist You will be murdered if he tries to smash the wall. Use your flashlight and turn it to maximum power on him. Once he’s vulnerable, kill him and make your way into the little office where he was hiding. Turn around and grab the heart in the refrigerator on your left. On the opposite wall you’ll find a pouch to expand your inventory (a priceless upgrade in a game like Alan Wake 2,( ) and an locked display case with the sawed-off shotgun.
Now you just need to liberate the gun from its lock box and you’ll have a new tool to help you take down Nightingale.
Alan Wake 2 puzzle and code for the shotgun
Remedy Entertainment/Epic Games Publishing image via Polygon
Below, we’ll go into how we solved the display case code, but if you just want to get your boomstick and take on Nightingale, the The code for the shotgun is 739.
Pop that code into the lock, grab the sawed-off shotgun, and get yourself down to the witch’s sign. Make sure you put the sawed-off shotgun in your quickslot.
Here’s a little help for those sleuths who need to be pushed in the right directions:
If you inspect the note near the shotgun’s lock, you’ll get a clue: “You can check with Lady Fortuna on the counter.” Part of this is actually a red herring, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves.
Go to the counter at the back of the store. You’ll find a rolodex of numbers open to a psychic. Ignore this, as it’s just a cute joke to try and waste your time. Look at the Notebook You can also read about the lotto ticket on the counter — “Lady Fortuna” in this case refers to the lottery ticket, and it’s not a cheeky name for a psychic.
On the notepad you’ll see 705, 713, 717, and 723, all crossed out on the page, and under them a note that says “Don’t forget! Code update.” If you look at the lotto ticket, you’ll see that it says: 05 13 17 23 39 45.
Start with 7 and add the last two lotto numbers to the end. On the pad you can clearly see the code that was already set up by the shop owner. Using our SAT “find the pattern” deduction skills, we discovered that Current code: 739As 39 is the following pair in the lottery sequence.
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