Valorant’s new Agent Gekko: Ability kit, Ultimate, announcement trailer

Valorant’s latest Agent, Gekko, has been revealed. The newest Agent got his first preview during the finals of Riot’s Valorant Champions Tour Lock//In Tournament in Brazil on Saturday. The reveal included a trailer that showed off Gekko’s look and abilities, which mostly come in the form of his cuddly friends who help him out during matches.

Gekko can be described as an Initiator. He has the ability to get on top of sites and make use of their advantages. He has a sight and detection abilities, so he should have some information to help him navigate the maze. Another ability he has is to remotely plant and defuse explosives by allowing one of his creatures friends to assist him.

Gekko’s unique kit should have all of these features. Valorant So far, you have seen his capabilities. However, to see more of them in action, please read the descriptions below.

Gekko kit for ability

E— Dizzy

To send Dizzy flying through the air, EQUIP Dizzy or FIRE. The plasma bombs are unleashed by Dizzy’s charges and hit enemies within range of her sight. Plasma blasts from her cause blindness in the eyes of all enemies. After Dizzy’s expiration, she becomes a dormant globe. After a brief cooldown, INTERACT can be used to recover the globule or gain another dizzy charge.

Q — Wingman

EQUIP Wingman or FIRE to enable Wingman to go forward in search of enemy. Wingman uses a violent concussive attack to the enemies he spots. Gekko must possess the Spike to plant. After Wingman’s expiration, she becomes a dormant INTERACT and can regain the globule to gain another Wingman charge.

C — Mosh Pit

To throw Mosh, use FIRE and EQUIP Mosh. ALT FIRE can be used to toss underhand. After landing Mosh, it duplicates over a large area and then explodes after a brief delay.

X — Thrash

EQUIP Thrash and FIRE to link with Thrash’s mind and steer her through enemy territory ACTIVATE to lunge forward and explode, detaining any enemies in a small radius. After Thrash’s expiration, she becomes a dormant GLUBE. INTERACT can be used to recover the globule or gain another Thrash Charge after a brief cooldown. Thrash can only be reclaimed one time.

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