UPDATE: Microsoft Unveils Its Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox One X

Update: After various releases and prods, an unlisted video on the Xbox YouTube channel has officially revealed the Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox One X. Another video gives us an unmistakable gander at the exceptional version support. Regardless of the video showing up on the official Xbox YouTube channel, the Xbox.com landing page remains “hacked,” conveying a similar bother initially announced underneath. While it’s presently unlisted, the video has been getting out and about via web-based networking media, collecting in excess of 15,000 perspectives and 253 remarks as of this composition.
The unique version Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox One X discharges in June.
Xbox gives off an impression of being prodding something identified with the exceptionally foreseen Cyberpunk 2077. After visiting Xbox.com, you’re welcomed with a phony “hacked” screen that rapidly flashes pictures and lines of code over a mutilated perspective on the Xbox landing page. Following a couple of moments of this, the commotion leaves and you get a reasonable message that says, “Return in 4 days.” However, in the event that you delay at the ideal time, you can see the outline of a Xbox One reassure and controller.
Preceding this, the Xbox Twitter account was additionally “hacked” and posted the beneath tweet, demonstrating an arrangement alluding to Arasaka, a monstrous enterprise in the Cyberpunk universe. The official Cyberpunk Twitter account additionally retweeted the Xbox tweet.
Recently, a posting on Amazon’s Canadian site publicized a Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox One controller. While the posting has since been expelled, you can see a picture of that beneath.

Strangely enough, you may recall the large re-uncover of it happening at E3 2018. Rather than “hacking” the Xbox.com landing page, notwithstanding, Cyberpunk 2077 “hacked” the finish of the Microsoft E3 2018 question and answer session. It was initially booked to discharge today, yet it was deferred to September.
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