Timothée Chalamet’s Dune character technically poops his stillsuit pants

Denis Villeneuve’s Dune has finally arrived, along with its stacked cast of Hollywood’s most handsome faces. Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya! Oscar Isaac, Rebecca Ferguson Josh Brolin and Javier Bardem, Dave Bautista, Jason Momoa and Jason Momoa
But there’s a dark secret hiding behind those beautiful faces. There is a dark secret behind all these beautiful faces. DuneThe adaptation, however faithful, was simply discarded. Maybe even eliminated. Perhaps void.
However, this is cowardice.
For the fullness of your life, this is something you should remember. Dune’s two hour and 35 minute runtime. Whether you’ve got your butt in a theater, or nestled softly into the cushions of your living room couch.
Dune has everyone poop their pants
Film adaptations of DuneThere is a lot to see on screen. However, the most relatable visuals are the stillsuits and garbs of desert-dwelling Fremen Tribes.
Stillsuits don’t come from fashion. They are more a result of necessity. Arakkis’ harsh climate means that a naked body can die within hours of being exposed to it. It captures every drop of moisture that a person produces, and turns it into drinking water.
AllThe moisture.
[Ed. note: The rest of this post contains mild spoilers for Dune (2021).]
In Villenueve’s Dune, Dr. Liet-Kynes (Sharon Duncan-Brewster) explains their function as she adjusts the fastenings of Duke Leto and Paul’s suits.
“A stillsuit is a high efficiency filtration system. Even this early in the morning, you wouldn’t survive two hours without one of these. The body is cooled by it. It helps to recycle the sweat. Your body’s movements provide the power. Inside the mask you’ll find a tube to allow you to drink the recycled water. In good working order, your suit won’t lose more than a thimbleful of water a day.”
Warner Bros. Pictures
It’s almost identical to a scene in Frank Herbert’s original DuneLietkynes is the planetologist. And instructs Leto and Paul to breath in through their mouths and out through the suit’s noseplugs, to allow even the moisture of their breath to be recycled. He also says: “With a Fremen suit in good working order, you won’t lose more than a thimbleful of moisture a day.”
But there’s an aspect of stillsuit function that Kynes mentions in the book that is NotIn the movie, it is mentioned. The movie mentions the subject only one time. This fact is unmistakable about stillsuits.
The sound is heard in the background DuneIt sounds like a high-pitched, faint whine from a wonderful concert hall.
“Urine and feces,” says Liet Kynes, “are processed in the thigh pads.”
In the thigh pad, urine and feces can be processed
Many characters can be found in DuneThey aren’t Fremen of birth but they do adopt the stillsuit on Arakkis as a survival tactic. Cast of DuneThis is a great place to find actors who have a Hollywood reputation. AndBecause it is easy to see. I think it’s vitally important that we appreciate the movie, and those actors, for that. It’s also vitally important that we remember that everybody in it is, canonically, pooping their pants on the regular, as a matter of social custom.
When Chalamet’s Paul Atreides and Rebecca Ferguson’s Lady Jessica spend an overnight in the desert in their neat water-wicking tent, they aren’t squatting in the sand to pee. When Jason Momoa’s Duncan Idaho gets back from living among the Fremen, he’s also been living without a toilet. And when Zendaya’s Chani leads that raid against the Harkonnen harvesters?
As Fremen born to the desert — they’re all doin’ it in their pants every day.
And that’s what the boundless freedom of science fiction is all about.
#Timothée #Chalamets #Dune #character #technically #poops #stillsuit #pants