The Modern Gamer’s Glossary – Game Informer

Whether youʼve been playing for a long time or just getting into the hobby, we throw around a lot of terms in our discussions of games, and it can be easy to get confused. While it is impossible to list every term used in the game world, there are some terms that we frequently see being misunderstood and questioned.

Here are some of those most commonly used and misunderstood terms, and a shortform definition of what they mean and how they’re most commonly discussed. We have also paired several words together that can be used in combination with each other or in their contexts.


A descriptor we reserve to discuss a game’s capability to support players of all types, specifically those with sensory, physical, or cognitive impairment or any disability that might affect the enjoyment of the experience.


An unbalanced game where the players don’t have the same level of play or when the opposing teams control unique characters and elements. Common variants include one-versus many, where a player is competing against all other players but often with considerable advantages.

Battle Royale

Online multiplayer game in which the goal is to become the last player or team standing. This can include survival and scavenging elements. Sometimes, the game is time limited due to shrinking zones of play.

Important Path

This is also known as the “golden path”, and it refers to where the game ends. It allows you to complete the main story, experience or core content without having to go back or replay any of these optional components.


You can create new gameplay experiences through experimentation and creativity. However, they are not governed by any specific story or structure.


Defying easy classification, games may be designated indie because they are actually independent games, or may alternately have an indie “feel,” even while following a more traditional publishing release model. A combination of novel systems and narratives, creative artistic goals, unusual aesthetics or small teams earns the game this designation.


A angled view of graphics shows the characters more clearly from the sides and above than any top-down perspective.


Most-effective-tactics-available (meta) refers to the combination of character build, weapons, or other factors that lead to the highest chance of success in a game. This is often discussed in relation to a specific game or current meta. Alternatively, it can be used to describe the narrative or thematic technique for self-referential commentary about the genre or game being played.


This informal term is often used in exploration-focused games, which feature ability- or gear-gated progress. It also includes a nonlinear interconnected map and gradual improvement in skills, abilities, and weapons. This term may be seen as an exaggeration, but it’s part of the Metroid heritage and Castlevania Symphony of the Night.


Massively Multiplayer Online MMO games allow large groups of people to interact in a common playspace. Although some MMOs are completely pure, this term can also be used to describe games that use specific techniques or ideas.


Online battle arenas that allow two players to compete against each other feature a pre-determined environment, or battlefield. These areas are often marked by travel lanes. A single player controls a character, whose abilities and weapons can be expanded throughout the match. This often has strategic consequences.

Procedural Generation

An algorithmic method for leveling up, creating characters or any other feature, that randomly mixes elements in order to generate a unique result.

Season Pass

A style of monetization in which players pay a fee for access to specific in-game content as it’s released. Sometimes manifesting as a tiered layer of progression unavailable for those who haven’t paid for access, frequently time-limited. Sometimes a battle pass is part of a season pass. In other cases it may even be synonymous.


A recent term referring to the rapid expansion of games modeled in part from the Dark Souls or Demon’s Souls games. They’re usually characterized by pronounced difficulty, lost currency or progress on death, and a methodical timing-based approach to combat.


This industry term is used to refer to high-budget games by the best publishers or developers.


An increasingly common designation for a game supported by multiple ongoing updates, patches, and changes – potentially over years – often representing major or even fundamental restructuring of major mechanics or available experiences. Sometimes known as living games.


A user interface (UI) is a collection of components, menus and graphics that allow a player to navigate the game. This includes but not limited health, maps currency, ability, or other information. An HUD (Heads-Up Display) is a display that displays information during play such as ammo counters.

The original version of this article appeared in Game Informer Issue 345.

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