The best Genshin Impact Genius Invokation cards and decks for beginners

Good card games are all about playing the board, sure, but they’re also about crafting solid decks. Genshin Impact’s Genius Invokation TCG — a mini-game added as part of Genshin’s update 3.3 — is no different.

As our local kitten-turned-card-dealer Prince can confirm, building the perfect Genius Invokation deck in Genshin Impact doesn’t come cheap. You need victories — lots and lots of victories — before you have enough lucky coins to spend on new action cards and character invitations.

Naturally, you don’t want to waste those hard-earned coins on bad cards. To that end, here’s an overview of the best character cards, the best action cards, and some suggestions for your the best beginners decks in Genshin Impact’s Genius Invokation TCG.

Best Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG Character Cards

Three amazing foundations underpin all the Genius Invokation decks. Character cards. We’ll dive into the best combos later, but these characters are among the best options:

  • Sucrose,A person whose elemental talent forces them to be a Character switching. Even more, the burst of her blast allows for enhanced elemental reactions and deals additional damage at the conclusion of each phase.
  • Keqing, because of her burst’s massive piercing damage and het ability to create a Free event card With her natural talent.
  • YoimiyaBecause her elemental skill is low-cost, it converts her regular attacks to pyro. This adds extra damage. A burst that deals more pyro damage when she is surrounded by her friends using elemental skill, makes it great for reacting.
  • BarbaraBecause of her incredible abilities, Healing abilitiesHydro application support roles.
  • Xingqiu, He can also use his elemental blast to cause additional hydrodamage after an attack.
  • ChongyunAs his elemental skill, he converts any physical damage done by sword, polearm or claymore users into cryo. This is extremely useful for reacting.
  • GanyuThis powerful elemental burst can also target passive characters in addition to the active.
  • KaeyaA character whose elemental burst causes cryo-damage upon changing characters.

A Genshin Impact menu shows Kaeya’s card for the Genius Invokation card game released in update 3.3.

Image by MiHoYo

Best Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG Action Cards

Here’s a list of the best action cardsGenius Invokation TCG No matter what deck you choose, these cards make great additions to any deck.

  • Katheryne. Once per round, you can switch characters as a ‘fast action’ instead of a combat action. You won’t lose your turn, and your opponents has much less opportunity to interfere with your plans.
  • Liben. The merchant who is our favorite scammer collects the unused elemental die (one for each element), and then gives us two action cards along with two omni dice. Thank you, Liben!
  • Jade Chamber. Guarantees that two of the dice you roll match your active character’s element, saving you from having to switch immediately.
  • Knights of Favonius Library. This allows you to roll your elemental dice again when they are played. It also adds an extra reroll during every phase of the dice-rolling process.
  • Strategize. In return for just one dice, you may draw two extra action cards.
  • Shifting shifts. Transform your character by switching for an elemental die less, effectively giving you a complimentary character switch.
  • Let me handle it! You can switch a character quickly, which saves you one turn. Unlike the Katheryne card, it doesn’t cost dice, but it only has one use.
  • Iron Tongue Tian. A character that has less than max energy will gain one energy after the phase ends. Prioritization of active characters is done. There are two possible uses for this card.
  • I Haven’t Lost Yet!This is the best comeback card. Losing a character can result in an omni-die and an energy bonus.
  • Any Elemental resonance card. They’re super helpful as long as they match your characters’ elements. Especially the ‘woven’ cards that give you a free elemental die when you’ve got at least two characters of that element in your team.

Now that we’ve figured out which character cards and action cards are worth buying, here are some amazing character combos to build the strongest Genius Invokation TCG decks.

A best Genshin Impact trading card game deck shows Ganyu.

Image by MiHoYo

Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG Freeze Card Deck

Let’s kick off with a Team freeze. Frosting enemies deals +1 injury and stops them from using their skills in this round. A character frozen after taking pyro damage or other physical damage takes +2 damage. After that, the status of frozen is gone.

Pairing ChongyunWith Xingqiu This works wonderfully, since Chongyun is able to activate cryoinfusion, while Xingqiu can apply hydro. GanyuIt is a great third card and can be used to build a stronger deck. BarbaraThis is a fantastic defensive choice.

Genshin Invokation Genshin Impact Genius TCG Vaporize & Melt Card Deck

This is the duo that’s most likely to cause harm in Genius Invokation. Xingqiu Yoimiya They are the ideal basis for your business. Team vaporizeThis does +2 damage when it triggers a reaction. Here’s how it works: Xingqiu uses his Elements of burst to automatically apply hydro damage following Yoimiya’s normal attacks. Yoimiya uses then her elemental skillShe will grant pyro injection to all her regular attacks.

Yoimiya’s normal attacks will charge her Elements of burstYou can use this card to attack an enemy with pyro automatically when they are using a skill. To trigger more reactions such as Mona (mOre Vaporize) or Ayaka (Melt).

Genshin Invokation Genshin Forced Switchcard Deck

Do you want to create a deck of cards which drives your adversaries insane? The Overloaded reactionCombining with a combination of, which does high damage and forces enemy characters to change, SucroseShe can use her skills to force-switch characters. Yoimiya KeqingThese are excellent options for filling out the electro and pyro character cards slots.

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