Sons of the Forest: Where to find binoculars

Vision is one of most challenging aspects. Sons of the ForestHowever, the problem is usually related to distance rather than darkness. Sons of the Forest’s first patch adds the BinocularsYou can use this tool to identify enemies or key items at a safe distance. They don’t require any other tools, such as a shovel or rope gun. You just need to travel to the northernmost part of the map to grab the binoculars. Continue reading to discover the precise location of these binoculars.

How to obtain binoculars from Sons of the Forest

Binocular location on top of a red kayak/canoe along with an annotated map showing the location and a nearby landmark in Sons of the Forest

Source images: Endnight Games/Newnight via Meryhathor/Reddit| Source images: Endnight Games/Newnight via Meryhathor/Reddit

  1. The beach is located in the northeastern region of the map. You can also find the Rebreather Cave and beach spawn nearby.
  2. Look for the red kayak at the beach. If you’re having trouble locating the kayak, use the image above for assistance.
  3. The binoculars can be collected from the top of the red-colored kayak.

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