Ryan Hoggan Shares How The NFT Landscape Could Change In 2022

NFT Expert Ryan Hoggan

Ryan Hoggan is a very successful entrepreneur who cut his teeth with venture capitalism and NFTs. In 2022, NFTs are expected to become more popular. Ryan Hoggan was my guide as I sought to find out what the experts believe will be happening with NFTs by 2022.

Ryan Hoggan is convinced that NFTs remain in their early stages and that there could be major shifts in technology landscape in 2022. Hoggan believes the technology will spread and become more popular because both consumers and businesses will be involved. Let’s take a look at what he said about NFTs in 2022: 

Find More Brands of Note

We’ve already seen McDonald’s, Taco Bell, NIKE, WWE, and countless other brands dip their toes into the world of NFTs. These ventures were short-lived. 

Ryan Hoggan predicts that big companies will experiment more with NFTs in 2022. According to Hoggan, we might see NFTs in everything from collectibles to fully-featured products. 

Additional Media (Beyond Art). 

Art is one of NFTs and blockchain technology’s most important uses right now. Artists and developers often choose NFTs to publish their products because they are more valuable than traditional file formats. 

Ryan Hoggan hopes that artists and movie producers will use NFTs for their product releases. It will instantly increase their product’s value and stop forgery. 


Games developers will join the fun

Ryan Hoggan believes game developers will play a major role in how NFTs get received by the public. Already, game developers have products that gamers can buy real money for. 

They include outfits and characters. At the moment, these products are not actually owned by the players, but instead, they’re tied to their game account. Players lose their products if the game ceases to work. 

NFTs are going to shake up the industry because they will allow players to actually own the products and then sell them. 

NFTs will be brought to Mainstream by someone.

Numerous influencers are already experimenting and creating NFT projects. Ryan Hoggan predicts that the experimentation with NFT will continue through 2022. 

According to him, more celebrities and influencers will launch their products. Some may also release music (as we have discussed). We’ve already seen major celebrities like Jay Z and The Weeknd reference or work with NFTs, so it’s only a matter of time before someone really dives into the tech. 

Tech is more than just collecting

Most people use NFTs to collect, trade, and invest. However, blockchain technology has many other uses. Ryan Hoggan anticipates that the technology will expand into other areas. security

These could include banks and real estate as well as medical records. Blockchain is one the most secure technology in the world and will undoubtedly make its way into these areas.