Paranormal Tales Is An Eerie Bodycam-Style Horror Game

Paranormal Tales is an indie horror title that takes a different approach to the genre. To provide an immersive, more real-life experience of the horror world around them, players will be able to see the action through the lenses of a body camera. 

The game, created by two designers, draws inspiration from found footage films. The name shares the same initials as P.T., which I can’t imagine is coincidental. The video files are self-contained stories that reveal what has happened to those who have disappeared behind them. Some very strange phenomena are likely to be encountered. Unreal Engine 5’s realistic graphics aim to make the bodycam viewpoint more appealing. If you want to get a little more hair, check out this trailer.

Paranormal Tales has no release window and has only been confirmed for PC so far. Are you a fan of the bodycam design in videogames? Please comment!

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