New HBO Max Batman cartoon from J.J. Abrams looks like a dark delight

These are the creatives who created them Batman: The Caped Crusader revealed a first look at the upcoming HBO Max animated series at this weekend’s DC FanDome, showing off a noir-inspired Gotham City.
The series was announced in May 2021 by J.J. Abrams.Star Wars: The Force awakens), Matt Reeves (BatmanJames Tucker (Batman Beyond), and original BTAS creator Bruce Timm, who has said the series would be thrilling, cinematic and evocative of Batman’s noir roots.
Timm, best known for his role as one of Batman’s major creative force behind “Batman,” is perhaps Timm. Batman: The Animated Series The Adventures of Batman & Robin Batman Beyond, and all of DC Animated Universe. Just like the shows above, Batman: The Caped Crusader appears to be heavily inspired by Timm’s signature style.
“My elevator pitch versions of this show is that it’s more Batman: The Animated Series More than Batman: The Animated Series,” Timm stated this at the preview. “My ideas was to say, ‘OK it’s 1990 again, I get to do what I want this time, and I have J.J. and Matt backing me up.”
“In Bruce’s word, in this new iteration, it’s just Batman right now. The Justice League doesn’t exist, there aren’t any other superheroes. It’s Batman. You’re watching this lone figure swimming through the cesspool of Gotham. It’s Batman, alone.”
Tucker explained that the first episodes of Batman’s new series will feature a low-tech version. The creators will gradually introduce his vehicular and gadgetry into the world as he grows in character. And all of the relationships are back to square one too: season 1 is set before Commissioner Gordon is an ally, and versions of Joker, Catwoman, and Penguin are all reset — fans shouldn’t expect anything to be literally held over from BTAS. But prepare for even more of the German expressionist/film noir look that came to define the ’90s series. “If anything, we’re going to lean into that even more,” notes Timm.
Batman: The Caped CrusaderIn 2022, the premiere will be on HBO Max.
#HBO #Max Batman #cartoon Abrams #dark #delight