NetEase Games Acquires Suda51’s Grasshopper Manufacture

Grasshopper Manufacture Inc. was the studio behind No More Heroes, and is headed by NetEase Games acquired Goichi Suda (aka Suda51).
NetEase has acquired a number of companies and partners to continue its expansion. Quantic Dream minority stakeBungie shares, as well as other stakes, have been acquired by Grasshopper Manufacture over the years. Grasshopper Manufacture is the latest to join NetEase’s lineup.
“As we all know, NetEase Games has developed many excellent games in the past, and I have long been aware of NetEase’s creative capabilities,” Suda said in a Press releaseThe announcement. “When talking with NetEase about ‘developing more unique console games together,’ we resonated. After a lot of thoughts, we’ve unanimously decided to ‘get together’ in the long term through deeper cooperation to create more good content for gamers.”
Suda said NetEase understands the strengths of Grasshopper Manufacture and is willing to support the studio in an “extremely reliable” way. He also said NetEase will be primarily responsible for advising Grasshopper Manufacture on the studio’s business planning and funding for game development.
“We will be responsible for the creativity and production of games to ensure that we are able to continue to maintain the consistent ‘Grasshopper Manufacture flavor’ and game quality for which we are known,” Suda writes. “In addition, we will also receive strong support from the NetEase team composed of thousands of artists and technical experts in terms of game art and quality assurance.”
Grasshopper Manufacture has been with GungHo Online Entertainment since 2013, but moving forward, Grasshopper Manufacture’s home will be NetEase.
Check out the latest game from this studio to learn more. Game Informer’s No More Heroes 3 ReviewRead more. Learn more Whether or not No More Heroes 3 merits our attentionAfter that.
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