Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link Teaser Trailer Confirms 2024 Mobile Release

Square Enix revealed Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link, a new GPS-based action RPG for iOS and Android devices, last year as part of its 20th Anniversary celebration, which is also where the company revealed Kingdom Hearts IV. Square Enix recently released a teaser trailer of Missing-Link, along with the news that it is set to launch in 2019.
We see a person who we assume is the protagonist in Scala ad Caelum. It’s a unique metropolis, which those who played Kingdom Hearts III would recognize. It also shows off the combat, which is a mixture of Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories mechanics and mobile action RPGs. Ariel and other Disney characters are also featured in the video game. The Little MermaidSimba The Lion KingdomBaymax Big Hero 6You can name several.
Watch the Kingdom Hearts Missing Link trailer below.:
Square Enix is currently recruiting beta testers for its Missing-Link closed beta test. If you are eligible, please apply online.
Kingdom Hearts Missing Link is expected to be released on iOS and Android devices in 2024.
Watch the Kingdom Hearts IV trailer for more information. This Sora Amiibo is coming next year.
What are your thoughts on Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link? Comment below to let us know!
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