Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Super Bowl trailer teases goodbyes

Marvel Studios dropped a new look at Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3MCU fans will be sad to see Star-Lord’s intergalactic band, the a-holes of his galaxy goodbye during the Super Bowl. But James Gunn peppers the bittersweet tease of the Guardians’ end — in their current incarnation, anyway — with the goofy bickering the team is known for.

In addition to some salty back-and-forth between Peter Quill (aka Star-Lord), Gamora II, and Nebula, setting up a theoretical love triangle that no one could possibly believe in, there’s some serious drama. We see Chukwudi Iwuji’s High Evolutionary callously transforming Rocket into the space rabbit we’ve grown to love over the past decade; Will Poulter’s Adam Warlock showing the destructive intensity of his superpowers; and Groot, Drax, Mantis, and Star-Lord kicking ass on that really gross organic space station. Nebula now has a transforming hand. It’s a sword? Cool.

Gamora II will Peter and Gamora II reconcile their romance differences. Rocket and Lylla, the otter, will find happiness. Will anyone but Star-Lord survive the events of the Guardians’ third cinematic adventure? We’ll find out this May, when Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3It will be in theaters soon.

Gunn’s third Guardians film was his last. He has moved on to Warner Bros., where he is now co-lead DC Studios. Gunn and Peter Safran, co-studio leader, have plenty of work ahead. They are currently working on five feature films as well as five TV series that focus on DC heroes.

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