Genshin Impact Octave of the Maushiro puzzle solutions guide

After completing the “A Particularly Particular Author” part of the “Through the Mists” world quest line in Genshin Impact, you’ll be able to start “The Maushiro Octave” one day later. Our Genshin ImpactThis guide will help you solve the problem. Stone puzzles in “Octave of the Maushiro.”
Unlocking and starting “Octave of the Maushiro”
Note that after completing the quest with the perches, “Octave of the Maushiro” will only appear after the next day, Real world time is not the same as game time.
These quest instructions will take you to the right direction. Tsurumi islandYou will be provided with the following: Peculiar PinionA gadget is a useful item that activates the Bird statuesAll around the island. Using the Peculiar Pinion around these bird statues and murals will reveal things that you can’t usually see, similarly to the Memento Lens.
Most of the “Octave of the Maushiro” quest is straightforward, except for the puzzles, which require you to activate or set stones in a specific order. Below are the answers to these puzzles.
Puzzle 1: Octave of Maushiro Stone
Image sources: Mihoyo| Image sources: Mihoyo
After getting the Peculiar Pinion and running around a bit, you’ll be on the beach with a stone puzzle nearby. To make an Electro Seelie appear, use the pinion from the bird statue nearby. Chase it down and it’ll lead you to a mural that shows the order you need to hit the stones in.
For those who don’t feel like flipping back and forth between the two locations, we provide the solution above.
Puzzle 2: Octave and the Maushiro stones puzzle
Image by Mihoyo via Polygon
The second stone puzzle involves sliding each stone so it’s in front of its respective symbol. The stones can be moved to several areas so it’s possible to get rid of them and place them correctly.
Solution to the puzzle Octave and Maushiro stones 3
Graphic by Julia Lee/Polygon Image Sources: Mihoyo| Image sources: Mihoyo
This will lead to another set of stones, and another bird sculpture. Three Seelies will appear when you use the pillion. To find the missing stones, chase the Seelies down and return them to their original location. Once you’ve placed the three missing stones, the corresponding pattern to hit them appears on a large tablet. Just in case, we marked the statues.
After completing “Octave of Maushiro,” there will be another quest to complete: “The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees,” but you’ll need to wait another real-time day to start it.
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