Games That Motivate Me To Get Up And Be Better

We all sometimes need to be given a push in the pants. There are many ways to get inspired and take action, even video games. If you’re looking for fun forms of encouragement as you begin to draft your New Year’s resolutions, here are some games that inspired me to be better in one way or another.

Yakuza: A Dragon’s Eye View
Ichiban Kauga is a master at making lemonade with Lemon Heads. After spending 18 years behind bars, the dude is released and must deal with being homeless and abandoned. Ichiban isn’t content to sit around and mope, he starts rebuilding his life. He collects cash from the streets, applies for job opportunities with determination, and he doesn’t spend much time looking for excuses. What I love most is that he takes whatever work is available, and doesn’t let pride get in the way. For a guy who once proudly associated with an organized murder gang, Ichiban’s got a great head on his shoulders, and his can-do attitude is infectious.

Animal Crossing New Horizons
I decided to start my year with Animal Crossing New Horizons rather than checking my phone. I was in good spirits and it got me creatively and productively energized. After I had finished tidying my home and pulling out weeds, my mind was ready to take on my daily tasks. Farmers out there will find this to be a lot like doing chores in the early morning, but less sweaty. Animal Crossing: New Horizons reminded me that completing tasks can be a reward in itself.

Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus has the feeling of a video game version of the old motivational posters which once filled office break rooms. It’s a big, clear picture with a bold declaration. You all know those ones. Nothing inspires the feeling of “I can conquer anything” like scaling living titans as a comparatively ant-sized person and taking them down. It didn’t matter if I forgot the pain of killing magnificent creatures. Shadow of the Colossus has made me feel more powerful than video games. A long run can be made if I can stop a flying snake.

Madeline’s climb up Celeste Mountain not only tests my physical fortitude (it’s a tough game) but my mental determination as well. It is a perilous adventure that forces Madeline to face her inner demons. Celeste teaches valuable lessons about coping and accepting the darkness within all of us; by the time I reached the summit, I couldn’t help but feel like I’d conquered a few of my own troubles as well. Celeste serves as a powerful motivator to face my anxieties head-on.

Death Stranding
When you strip away the weird ink monsters, dopey dialogue, and absurd narrative, Death Stranding is really about a guy making deliveries – and that’s when the game is at its best. There’s something about the process of accepting jobs, stacking packages in just the right way, plotting routes, and trekking for miles that gets my productivity juices flowing. Similar to actual mountain climbing I get a real sense of achievement when reaching an unreachable prepper because of my creativity and wit. Falling over sucks (especially with BB shrieking in my ear), but the game’s all about dusting yourself off and getting back up no matter the hardships. Keep on keepin’ on.

Ring Fit Adventure
Ring Fit Adventure inspires me to take action. Fitness software should never be boring. It’s a great game that I have a lot of fun with and it keeps me on the right track. Scheduled alarms ping players when it’s time for a new workout. My enthusiasm is maintained by encouraging messages and useful tips. Plus, the game saves me from stubborn self by regularly offering to raise/lower difficulty in case I plateau or can’t handle the workout.
That’s all from me, but let me know in the comments what games motivate you to be better and why.