Flux Construct 1 Core uses, boss strategy in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Early in the year Tears of the Kingdom – The Legend of ZeldaIf you are looking for a miniboss, then this is the one! If you think it looks like a miniboss, you’d be entirely correct! It’s called the Flux Construct 1, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, you’ll quickly get absolutely bodied.

Fortunately, taking this boss down and making use of its dropped items — including the frighteningly powerful Flux Construct 1 Core — is actually fairly simple once you figure it out. Also fortunately, we’ve done the dying so you don’t have to.

Find the Flux Construct 1 (Tears of the Kingdom)

First things first The first Flux construct you’ll encounter is the one you find on Sky Island 1, but it is easier if you already have a weapon that can handle 10 attacks and a bow. You should have a fourth heart and new armor. You should get to Hyrule Castle and grab the paraglider before returning. Nachoyah ShrineThe Great Sky Island is located in the southern part.

Then, proceed to the marked location below. As you might imagine, the paraglider makes all the difference.

A map shows the location of the Flux Construct in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Once you’re ready to dive in, save just outside what is basically an arena:

Link stands outside the arena with the Flux Construct in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

After that, internalize all the following tips.

Tears of the Kingdom: How to Beat the Flux Construct

When you attack the enemy it transforms into a giant that will attempt to slam you in your face with its fists. Fortunately, if you look closely, you’ll see that one of the blocks is not like the others. Which block it is appears to be random, but it’s pretty easy to spot thanks to its Glow spots.

Link ducks behind a box during a boss fight against Flux Construct 1 in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

The baddie falls to the ground when you shoot it with your arrow. You can now run up and use your best weapon to slam it. You should sprint as fast as you can if you notice it getting up again. (It does.)

Repeat the process until you see your enemy explode into sweet and sweet loot.

Link stands victorious in the arena with the Flux Construct 1 boss fight in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Look down and you should find a number of objects. Pick up what you can, and look for the one item that you can’t.

Flux Construct Core: How to Use?

Flux Construct 1 is a drop-in replacement for the Flux Construct 1. Flux Construct 1 Core. You can’t pick this item up, but you can attach it to a weapon to give it a massive damage spike.

Simply put, equip a weapon that hasn’t been Fused yet (we used a Zonaite sword for the flavor win), use the Fuse ability to create a terrifying looking weapon. Our sword’s attack power increased from 6 to 19 meaning that this Threefold increaseIts attack power is +13 attack.

Wouldn’t want to get hit by that…

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