Exploring The Full History Of Nintendo’s Metroid | Video Gameography

Nintendo’s dominant ’80s run on the video game industry produced several hit franchises that remain important today. Metroid may not be the same giant juggernaut as Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda but it is still a symbol of the industry.
The first season of Game Informer‘s Video Gameography podcast, we’re tackling Metroid. Developed by Nintendo R&D1 and produced by the creator of the Game Boy, Gunpei Yokoi, Metroid thrilled fans with its creative approach to platforming action. While most games gave you a set path to follow, Metroid dropped you into a haunting, alien world and let you freely explore to discover upgrades and ultimately save the universe from biological warfare.
Ben Reeves and Ben Reeves will be your hosts@BenjaminReeves), Marcus Stewart (@MarcusStewart7Special guest Game Informer‘s senior editor Dan Tack (@dantack() to continue the hour-long exploration of Metroid’s history and impact.
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