DC’s new Wonder Woman comic includes trans Amazons

Wonder Woman books are about Wonder Woman’s adventures in the wild blue sky yonder. There are also Wonder Woman books which explore the conflict between Wonder Woman and Wonder Woman: Wonder Woman is a woman who lives on an island with immortal philosopher warriors, but she’s all woman.
DC’s new series Nubia & the AmazonsIt is the former. It is the book. solelyInformation about Themyscira’s society and its collaboration with Amazons.
The first page of the book features one supernatural plot device. Stephanie Williams and Vita Ayala co-wrote it with Alitha Marti, an artist, to add variety to the ever-changing world of immortals. And, as Williams took care to confirm on Twitter, it’s also a way to explicitly include trans women in the society of Themyscira
Is there anything else happening inside our favourite comics’ pages? We’ll tell you. Welcome to Monday Funnies, Polygon’s weekly list of the books that our comics editor enjoyed this past week. It’s part society pages of superhero lives, part reading recommendations, part “look at this cool art.” There may be some spoilers. You may not have enough context. However, there will be many great comics. This is the latest edition.
Image Credit: Stephanie Williams/DC Comics, Vita Ayala, Alitha Martilla/DC Comics
In their premiere issue, Williams, Ayala, and Martinez introduce the Well of Souls, an offshoot of the Amazon origin story detailed way back in George Peréz’s influential Amazon origin story in 1987. Peréz’s Amazons were created within the Cavern of Souls, a place where Greek goddesses make each new warrior from the reincarnated souls of women who died from violence perpetrated by men. The Cavern’s new Well of Souls opens a route to Themyscira and establishes the notion that the arrival of new Amazons should be celebrated and welcomed with great celebration. This includes each Amazon choosing her own name.
Fans suspected that Bia’s admission here held something significant that was yet to be revealed, and Williams confirmed the theory on Twitter, saying “The answer to your burning question is yes. There are trans Amazons. One of the newest Amazons is a Black trans woman.”
Bia will have a role on Themyscira beyond just existing – she isn’t set dressing, she isn’t a box to tick, she is a fully fledged character that is important to her community.
In real life, Black trans women are just as important.
— ✨Steph✨ (leave a message at the beep) (@Steph_I_Will) October 21, 2021
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I don’t usually put an entire page in the roundup, much less two pages, but this moment in Thor #18, which leans into Frog Thor like a sharp turn and presages the just-a-few-pages-later reformation of the (Pet) Avengers just rules too hard not to show it.
Image: Cliff Chiang/DC Comics
Is it you? Batman: The Animated SeriesIt’s not the only Batman comic like it. Would you like to read a We’re Definitely Getting Too Old for This heist story about a just-got-out-of-doing-hard-time Catwoman in a modern Gotham City where Batman’s been dead for years? You should definitely read it Catwoman: Lonely City, because it’s about the best and most stylish version of that pitch you could expect. Cliff Chiang also wrote and illustrated the book for the first time. This guy can write more comics! You can also color it and write it! Dang! Dang!
Image: Tom Taylor, Daniele Di Nicuolo/DC Comics
A while back someone asked me who the most homophobic supervillain was, and I was hard pressed to decide on one from DC Comics — Marvel makes it easy, with how many Literal Nazis hang around in that setting — maybe Wonder Woman’s Doctor Psycho?
However, now I know the answer. What with being Apollo and Midnighter’s nemesis, and his setup as a villain to Jon Kent, soon to be established as bisexual, I deem Henry Bendix the most homophobic supervillain in DC Comics. He is, in fact, the worst of all DC Comics incarnations. Superhumans may get his jaw broken for many years.
Image: Rio Youers, Tom Fowler/DC Comics
You can read more A Basket of HeadsYou already know that it’s a story about a Viking axe victim who is still conscious and alive even though their heads have been separated from their bodies. It is now the sequel. A Refrigerator with HeadsThis is a great way to up your game immediately. Jaws pastiche. I am mainly just commenting on the sound effects by Tom Fowler. It was not an animated shark head, but a static one.
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