Cyberpunk 2077 Wallpaper Shows V’s Metro Commute

Cd Projekt Red has discharged a glossy new Cyberpunk 2077 backdrop, including hero V chilling on the Night City metro, as a mob unfurls on the station outside. Besides giving fans an enticing taste of a game that is still right around a half year out from discharge, the banner is brimming with modest world-building subtleties merely standing by to be found in high goals.
The new backdrop gives us a superior glance at the metro, the city-wide vehicle framework that players will have the option to use to go around the city’s regions.
The fundamental subtleties of the image are quickly self-evident – V, passing on apathetic with his firearm, a drowsy agent alongside him. Behind him, the individuals of Night City conflict with vigorously heavily clad Arasaka representatives. As one fan on Reddit brought up, the caps on the police resemble a callback to the Nilfgaardians of CD Projekt Red’s Witcher arrangement.

The littler subtleties require zooming in to see- – the wicked blackout impressions driving from the body to V’s metro seat, the point by point metro map and various stickers, mottos, and spray painting. One by the specialist’s knee references Pulp Fiction, saying, “does he resemble a b___?”
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