Atari’s Berzerk: Recharged Gets November Release Date

Atari revealed earlier in the year that it had acquired Berzerk as well its sequel Frenzy and 10 classic arcade games. Atari released Berzerk Recharged, its first Berzerk title since the 1980s arcade version, in early October. The company announced that it would be coming out on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Switch. Now we have a date: November 9, 2018. 

Atari’s press release states: “On Nov. 9, Evil Otto will once again welcome you into his maze-like chaos with the newly reimagined Berzerk: Recharged.” “The latest entry in Atari’s acclaimed Recharged series, Berzerk: Recharged will have you almost begging for mercy as you face off against Otto’s droves of robotic menaces, all while the grinning incarnation of evil draws ever nearer.” 

Atari also released screenshots of Berzerk Recharged to accompany this news. You can see them below. 


Read on to learn more about this game and what you can expect. Game Informer prior Berzerk: Recharged coverage here. 

Have you ever played Berzerk? Comment below to let us know!

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