25 games worth grabbing from PlayStation’s massive Spring Sale

PlayStation launched an enormous sale to celebrate the start of spring with more than 1,000 titles, special editions and DLC packages. The sale contains both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 titles, so there’s plenty to grab whether you’ve upgraded to the current generation, plan to later, or would just like to expand your PS4 backlog. Spring Sale is almost complete for a month. It will close at midnight on April 27.

The sale features great savings on many games including old and new titles. Destiny 2’s fabulous new Witch Queen expansion from earlier this year is already a few dollars off, while last year’s Tales of AriseDiscounts up to 40% You can also find other hits such as Deathloop And Resident Evil Village are 50%, while older games — like the Batman: Arkham Collection — are under $10.

With over 1,000 items and 46 pages of on-sale games on Sony’s website, we’ve sifted through the Spring Sale’s offerings and collected 25 games we think you shouldn’t miss.

For the cautious shopper who’d also like to look through the sale themselves to check our work, note that the back half is mostly DLC or cosmetic items for smaller games. But there are hidden treasures such as Control Oder Dragon Ball FighterzYou will find it in the Spring Sale’s final pages.

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